3 Ways to Light Up Your Life: Illuminated Business Sign Ideas

illuminated-sign-ideas.pngWhen you invest in a sign, the goal is for your sign to work for you by promoting your business. There are a variety of ways to make your sign demand attention, including the deliberate choice of shape, size, placement, and colors–and all of these factors make an impact when used creatively. However, there’s one feature in particular that tends to make business signs shine above the rest: illumination. Light-up signs don’t go to sleep when the sun goes down. They continue working for you and can draw in customers effortlessly at all hours of the night.

 Let’s take a look at three options for the perfect illuminated business sign: boxy sign cabinets, individual LED channel letters, and customizable digital message centers.  Each of these options comes with endless design possibilities.

1. Bright, detailed sign cabinets

Along with channel letter signs, sign cabinets are one of the most common types of light-up business signs. However, while channel letters are individual letters mounted to a structure, sign cabinets consist of LED or neon inside a “box” to display graphics. The materials used to fabricate a sign cabinet include plastic and aluminum. These signs are often called box signs because many are rectangular,however, not all sign cabinets are “boxy”! They can be manufactured into custom shapes to better represent your brand–many businesses have sign cabinets made in the shape of their logo, for instance.

Sign cabinets are ideal for displaying graphics and logos that are too detailed to represent with individual lettering because they give you a large space to represent your message. The face of a sign cabinet can be made from plastic or aluminum. There are two types of aluminum faces: cut and push through. Plastic faces and cut aluminum faces are both flat, but with a push-through face, the lettering pushes through the aluminum to create a three-dimensional effect.illuminated-sign.jpg

2. Bold, individual LED channel letters

Channel letter signs are three-dimensional letters with tubing inside that lights up either with neon or LED. Traditionally, neon lights were used to illuminate channel letters, but the bulbs frequently burn out and can be costly to repair. As a result, most modern business signs use now LED channel letters, which is a more energy-efficient solution, and many businesses choose to have their neon channel letters refitted with LED tubing.

There are a variety of benefits of channel letters. One is that they can be custom made into any shape you desire, and with LED, they can be lit with any color. Plus, by using individual letters, each stands out boldly. However, another benefit of individual light up letters is that they have less overall surface area and volume than other sign types. If regulations dictate that your sign is limited by surface area, this may be calculated based on the surface area of each individual letter, meaning you can make your channel letter sign larger than you could with a sign cabinet.

3. Customizable digital message centersdigital-message-center.jpg

A digital message center is the most expensive type of illuminated sign, but it’s also the option that comes with the most possibilities for messaging, making it an excellent investment that can give businesses a lot of mileage. In addition to displaying your message in bright LED, a digital message center allows you to customize it to whatever you want–whenever you want. They’re great for displaying new events and promotions as well as fun messages. If you have a digital message center, there’s no reason to get a new sign every time you have something new to say.

Choose a light-up sign that suits your business

Digital message centers, sign cabinets, and channel letter signs can all be added to either the front of your building or freestanding signs like monuments and pole signs. If an illuminated sign doesn’t fit in with your branding, it may not be appropriate for your business. You also may need to work within certain ordinances in your township that prohibit certain types of light-up letters and signs. However, if an illuminated sign is right for you, you’ll be amazed by the way it draws people to your business.

Contact KC Sign & Awnings.