5 Traits to Look for When Choosing a Sign Company


If you have a business, organization, or any establishment with a building, office space, or storefront, you need signage—on the exterior and the interior alike. A few of the signs you may need include: a sign mounted above your building’s entrance, a freestanding sign by the road, a decal with your hours for your door, and interior signs to mark rooms and convey directional information—and that’s just to start.

Maybe you have ideas about how you’ll brand your organization and attract people with your signs. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by the whole process. Whatever the case, you’re going to need to find a sign company that will be able to deliver what you envision. There are a lot of sign companies out there, and it’s hard to ensure their workmanship when choosing one. Subpar sign fabrication will result in signage that just doesn’t last. Here are some traits you should look for in a quality sign manufacturer. Read More

6 Ways to Customize Your Monument Signage


A “monument sign” is a freestanding sign with two major elements: the base (usually composed of stone, brick, split face block, or foam) and the sign itself (mounted to the base). Within this simple paradigm, there are a thousand and one ways (if not more!) to customize monument signage for your business. Here are six of the most popular.

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What Are My Options for Lighted Letter Signs?

channel-letter-signs.jpgLighted letter signs, or channel letter signs as they’re called in the sign industry, are the most popular type of light up sign. Due to their high readability and illumination, their distinctive 3D form can be seen near and far and even at night.

Channel letters get their name from the “channel” that is created out of sheet metal by the back and sides of the sign element. This channel is filled with lighting components and typically covered with a translucent plastic. Although all channel letters are made with bent aluminum sides, there are variations in construction. In this post, we’ll explore your options for lighted letter signs, which are highly customizable.

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What Kind of Temporary Storefront Sign is Right for Me?

seasonal-storefront-signs.jpgNow that summer is right on the horizon, you may be looking for ways for your business to make the most of the rising temperatures. Many businesses choose to run seasonal promotions so they can better cater to their customers’ interests. One of the best ways to communicate these promotions to customers is by using signage. Luckily, not all signs have to last forever and a day. Banners and corrugated plastic signs are both inexpensive, lightweight options to help you get the word out about your business’s latest campaigns quickly and look great doing it.

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5 Ways to Customize Your Pylon Sign

customizing-pylon-signs.jpgPylon or pole signs are one of the most common types of freestanding signs. They’re often seen at shopping centers and similar establishments and are especially great for attracting road traffic. The other most common type of freestanding sign is the monument, which sits at eye level, while pylon signs are tall so they can be easily seen from a distance. There are a number of ways you can customize your pylon sign to make it stand out more. Here are just 5 of them.
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3 Reasons Your Building Sign Is an Advertisement


Traditionally, when we think of advertising, digital, print, television, billboard, and radio ads are the obvious examples. All of these can be powerful marketing tools depending on your business. Yet when it comes to storefront and other building signs, you might not be quick to say they’re advertisements so much as they are labels necessary for any building to identify itself. To help you change your line of thinking, here are 3 reasons building signs are, in fact, advertisements.

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Sign Inspiration: Vintage Marquee Signs and Letters

marquee_signs-770762-edited.jpgLighted marquee signs demand attention while giving your business a vintage feel. Marquee signs are typically surrounded by a border of flashing lightbulbs, and they can feature individual marquee letters. They’ve been around since the 1930s, and while their major uses include theater, hotel, and casino signs, marquee signs have taken on their own character as a symbol of times past. Here’s what you need to know about marquee signs in the past as well as today.

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4 Types of Signage that Will Get You Noticed

An effective sign can mean the difference between someone walking right in or walking on by to check out your competition. If you’re trying to attract new customers or help previous customers find you again, the primary function of your exterior signage is making you stand out from your surroundings and your competitors. That means you need signage that’s guaranteed to get you noticed. Here are 4 sign types that simply can’t be missed. Read More

4 Benefits of Business Awnings at Your Front Door

4 Perks of Awnings

Awnings have been around since ancient times: In 50 BC, the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius wrote of awnings in his only known work, The Nature of Things. The purpose of the poem was to explain the teachings of Greek philosopher Epicurus to a Roman audience, and Lucretius did so with a series of metaphors—and one metaphor he used was the sound an awning makes when hit by a strong gust of wind:

A sound on high, as linen-awning, stretched
O’er mighty theatres, gives forth at times
A cracking roar, when much ’tis beaten about
Betwixt the poles and cross-beams.

Like Lucretius’s writings, the awning has survived, and we are still speaking of awnings today—just not typically in Latin. We see them everywhere outside shops, restaurants, cafes, and many other types of buildings. Maybe you’ve been considering one for your business too. Read More

What’s Your Sign: The Astrological Guide to Signage

Not sure what kind of sign your business needs? It’s written in the stars! KC Sign & Awnings will now be offering astrological sign consultation! It’s complicated and takes a lot more into account than your birthday, but as a starting point, here’s an infographic with insight into your ideal signage based on your Sun sign.

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